Yokogawa Electric Corporation has released a newly developed multi-function wireless adaptor. This adaptor enables wired devices that transmit/receive digital ON/OFF signals or receive 4–20 mA analog signals to function as ISA100 Wireless field wireless devices.
Field wireless systems enable plant field devices and host-level monitoring, control, and other systems to communicate wirelessly with each other. Driven by the need to improve productivity and safety, companies are looking for ways to collect more data on their plant operations. Consequently, there is a rising demand for field wireless devices as they can be installed in difficult-to-wire locations. Field wireless devices have the added advantage of having a lower installation cost.
In addition to ISA100 Wireless-based field devices and systems, Yokogawa offers multi-protocol wireless adaptors that enable HART and Modbus devices to function as ISA100 Wireless devices. The development of this new multi-function wireless adaptor demonstrates Yokogawa’s ongoing commitment to promoting the spread of wireless communication technologies.
Plants use communication protocols such as FOUNDATIONTM fieldbus, HART, Modbus, and PROFIBUS to facilitate the exchange of data. In addition, digital ON/OFF, 4–20 mA analog input, and other types of signals are used for a variety of purposes. This multi-function wireless adaptor has been developed with this latter category of signal types in mind. The mounting of this adaptor on a wired device that transmits/receives digital ON/OFF signals or receives 4–20 mA analog signals enables it to function as an ISA100 Wireless device. This increases the variety of devices that can be used with field wireless systems, and is expected to lead to a wider use of such systems in plant operations.
1.Signal types
For use with limit switches, solenoid valves, analog transmitters, and other device types, the adaptor has two channels for digital input signals that are used to monitor the ON/OFF state of devices, one channel for digital signals that output the ON/OFF state of devices, and one channel for receiving 4–20 mA analog process value signals from transmitters.
2.Environmental resistance
An all-weather model that is waterproof and dustproof and an explosion proof model that can be used in inflammable gas environments are expected to be released by the end of 2015.