Installation tips
- Stagger each ring’s joints by 90 degrees, beginning at twelve o’clock then move to three o’clock, six o’clock, and nine o’clock.
- Install each ring individually. Make sure each ring sits in the bottom of the stuffing box using an installation tool.
- Use a split bushing or a tamping tool—never a screwdriver or a sharp tool, which could damage the packing rings.
- Seat the rings toward the bottom of the box to accommodate radial expansion
During this break-in period, right after full operation begins, gland adjustments should be made gradually. The team should allow 5 to 10 minutes between adjustments. Taking special care during this break-in results in longer packing life. After break-in, the leakage rate can be controlled to 10 to 12 drops per minute per inch of shaft sleeve diameter.
Step 4: Keep in mind that packing requirements may change as process parameters change
Process operating parameters that were used to specify the packing often do not remain static. As product and process demands change, the plant team should reevaluate the fiber and fiber treatment being used. Changes that may affect the packing type include:
- Flow volume
- Hours of operation
- Operating temperature or pressure
- Material being pumped (such as its pH)
Step 5: Timing of packing replacement
If excess leakage occurs or when the gland adjustment is exhausted, the team must replace the packing. After the break-in period (mentioned in Step 3), the leakage rate can be controlled to 10 to 12 drops per minute per inch of shaft sleeve diameter. As this leakage increases, the gland should be tightened to reach the optimal leakage rate.
When the gland can no longer be tightened, the adjustment is exhausted. At this point, the packing should be replaced because it will no longer seal effectively.
About the Author: Chuck Tanner
Chuck Tanner is director of market development for Sealing Equipment Products Co., Inc. He has more than 30 years of experience in the pulp and paper industry and has been with SEPCO for 27 years. Tanner may be reached at [email protected].