Monitoring and remote engineering analysis, $125,000 annualized
- Leveraged Trane National Service, Central Monitoring Center
— Analyze operating conditions and support night and weekend and operations issues
— Reduced off-shift stand-by operations staff and added high caliber support to first shift
Pricing strategies
- Capital Procurement Team was commissioned to conduct a rate analysis, using contracted supply side consultants
- Market pricing for electricity in 2008 varied in cost from $0.085 to $0.133. A new forward market pricing strategy was implemented in 2008 to lock in cost of a percentage of expected usage and hedge the balance
One of the critical issues overcome by the team was in achieving good teamwork and “Dual Citizenship.” Everyone involved in the process, Residential Systems, Commercial Systems and Ingersoll Rand, took a global view, regardless of departmental goals, recognizing energy management as an important common goal.
Multiple benefits are being achieved from this program, including improved O&M practices, the use of remote monitoring and engineering support to reduce cost and “hold the gains”, as well as delivering better-than-expected raw cost avoidance of approximately $480,000, including over $100,000 in energy cost avoidance from improved chiller plant and HVAC operation and maintenance.
Paul Wheeler has extensive experience in facilities engineering supporting the electronics and automotive industries, including eight years developing operations and maintenance solutions for Trane customers. He is a professional engineer in Texas, and an honors graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, with a Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. Contact him at [email protected] and (972) 406-3652.