Equipment alignment is a prime example. Fixing a motor to a new plinth and then aligning it to whatever it is driving is a pretty standard task. Yet there are a large number of ways we can make mistakes. Poorly marking the footing mounts, poor drilling (too shallow, not in line) and poor alignment practices are all valid examples.
Also, after a few months new concrete plinths have a tendency to “settle,” often forc-ing misalignment through shifting of the motor. Failure to take this into account and to perform the necessary checks to correct it if it occurs, is also a human error related issue.
How can we avoid all of the danger areas associated with this task? Many companies often issue work procedures to help them to minimize mistakes such as these. Sounds logical, right? I have done this myself.
You’ll be surprised to learn that the work procedure helps to increase the likelihood of error, not reduce it.
You’re probably asking: How could a procedure, with all of the correct steps in it, make things worse?
It all depends on the job procedure, and on how it is written, but is a range of things that can be done easily to reduce the possibility of mistakes.
(Some of the examples below are from my own observations; others come from James Reasons excellent book “Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents.)
For example:
- Very wordy sentences and instructions will often be ignored. This is human na-ture. Make sure that the instructions are broken into logical parts, and that they are written in short concise sentences in layman’s terms.
- Studies have shown that when there is a long list of instructions, those in the mid-dle will often be omitted. Make a quality assurance check at the end and ask the technician to double check whether they did certain frequently omitted tasks.
- Too many instructions will be ignored, as will too few. Procedures need to be aimed at presenting an accurate level of detail and instruction as is required.
- A lot of work instructions are focused on the present, but often there is a need for a re-check of alignment several months afterwards. Employ this in the work pro-cedure; make it a task for the maintenance scheduler or to program a separate task once this task has been done.
- More than all of the above, procedures must not tell technicians how to perform basic skills, or they will be ignored. (E.g. don’t go into detail about how to torque a bolt or remove a screw.)
Procedures is one of the many areas where slight adjustments in current practice could have a big impact in reducing lost time and money due to human error. There are many others. There are a range of formal methods that may be of use to you. I prefer a method called Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique or HEART. This is a straight forward, practical and rapid method that will allow you to perform regular and focussed risk analyses of tasks.
As reliability methods become more accurate, and the science of physical asset reli-ability becomes more widespread, human error is one of the remaining areas where significant gains can be made quickly. No longer restricted to the areas of safety and the environment, human error is now helping many companies to reduce costs and increase productivity.