Proton Energy Systems completed the first external audit of its Quality Management System (QMS) under the ISO 9001:2000 standard. As a result, auditors at TUV/Rhienland of North America, a provider of independent testing and assessment services, have recommended Proton Energy Systems for registration under the standard and will issue Proton a new ISO 9001:2000/QS-9000 certificate.
"ISO 9001:2000 registration of our QMS has helped us structure our continuous improvement efforts based on industry best practices," said Proton Energy Systems President Dr. Larry M. Sweet. "It is central to how we manage the business."
Unlike the ISO 9001:1994 standard, ISO 9001:2000 requires that an organization identify, implement, manage and continually improve its processes. In addition to customer satisfaction, the standard emphasizes human resources training and strategic and organizational planning.
Proton Energy Systems designs, develops and manufactures Proton Exchange Membrane electrochemical products that it uses in hydrogen generating devices and in regenerative fuel cell systems that function as power-generating and energy-storage devices.