In part two of this column, I would like to focus on the positive. I would like to look at the same data on office politics from last month, but flip it on its head.
Research from Accountemps shows that office politics affects our lives, many of us regularly. The study found that 76% of workers believe that it affects their efforts to get ahead, up from 56% who felt that way in 2012. Also, 55% of respondents say they partake in office politics to mostly advance their careers.
So, it can’t be all bad, right? Through study, trials, and tribulation, I would like to provide a list of four political types we should inspire to be.
1. Greater Good Gary. Gary is the type of person that works hard on collaborative efforts and is always seeking everyone’s input. The reason for this is to make the most informed decisions for the greater good of the company and its employees.
Gary is not only advancing his own objectives, but he is trying to help others by identifying what’s in it for them and working to forward the objectives of the company. Gary’s love is in areas that benefit the most people – areas that are more big picture, sacrificing smaller things of less importance for the greater good. Sustainability, efficiencies, and making life easier seem to be where to find the Garys.
2. Leader Larry. Larry is the type of person that works hard on making the right decisions for both employees and the company. He is the one out on the plant floor leading the charge and bringing others along side of him. He is the type of person that will not ask you to do something that he would not do. He paints the picture of the future state all the while developing those around him, helping them to maximize their full potential. He gives hope to others, motivates them to do more and be better, and is great at following up and keeping his word. He seeks to develop trust and earn respect. He is a coach and a mentor. He holds people to a higher standard and is actively engaged. He is the type of leader that others learn from, inspire to be, and will follow anywhere. Most of all, Larry develops other leaders, pushing them to be all that they can be.