I like to consider myself a woman of many talents, but cooking is not one of them. Our holiday dinners usually consist of takeouts and fresh-from-the-package side dishes. But my culinary skills might be improved if I had a sous chef by my side, or a drone to help me prepare the meal. That's right. Drones are here to save your Thanksgiving dinner.
According to Avery Thompson for Popular Mechanics: "You may find yourself scrambling for different tools to make different dishes this Thanksgiving—a potato peeler, knives, a whisk, a fancy swan ladle, spoons. Pretty soon your kitchen gets cluttered, and the pile of dirty dishes stacks up. What if a single tool could replace all of them?
Okay, we're not there yet. But the folks at Autel Robotics tried to turn their drone into such a tool, with predictable results."
You can even use a drone to deep-fry a turkey from a safe distance.
Or attach a flamethrower to a drone and cook your turkey in the most dangerous fashion possible. It should go without saying, but don't try this at home.