[embed width="180" height="231" class="right" thumbnail="http://www.industryweek.com/site-files/industryweek.com/files/uploads/2015/10/Arena-Dark-Cover.png?r"]http://www.industryweek.com/site-files/industryweek.com/files/uploads/2015/10/Arena-Dark-Cover.png[/embed]If you are a nerd like me, then you've spent countless nights debating the plausibility of Star Wars technology with like-minded geeks. Arena Solutions has taken this speculation a step further and developed a Star Wars parody ebook titled "Engineering Lessons From the Dark Side." The ebook explores seven Star Wars stories of how Arena PLM improved new product introduction and new product development for several of the film’s iconic characters. Stories include:
- Engineering Lessons from the Dark Side
- Building R2-D2: The Wild Years
- Help Us PLM...You’re Our Only Hope
- Darth’s Too Sexy for His Suit
- Find the Droid Parts You’re Looking For
- Bogus Parts Make You Sith Your Pants?
- Luke, I’m Your Father...(sigh) and Uncle
Here is an excerpt from the ebook:
"The Galactic Empire is a tragic example of an enterprise-size organization that — because of a failure to foster a culture of collaboration and implement a holistic enterprise-wide quality management solution — suffered from catastrophic quality failure.
The Galactic Empire’s Death Star was shipped to market with a single design flaw that resulted in costly and time consum ing scrap and rework...as well as serious damage to the Dark Side brand. “How can you expect to instill fear throughout the galaxy and squelch a rebel uprising when your ultimate weapon has a flaw so glaring that it can be exploited by a one-man X Wing Fighter?” said Death Star scientist and quality manager Rorax Falken.
Sadly, the Death Star failure could have easily been avoided; however, the Galactic Empire — like many large companies — failed to integrate a quality management system (QMS) with its design and development processes to more effectively reduce
supply chain oversights, employee missteps and design errors."
Click here to download your free copy of "Engineering Lessons From the Dark Side."