Leverage Big Data analytics to your advantage

June 26, 2015
Preview Plant Services' July 14 webcast to learn how big data will be impacting your plant.

Maintenance people no longer just "fix things." They now have the role of reliability professionals and are responsible for managing a process in which they:

  • Analyze machine data
  • Predict breakdowns
  • Implement procedures to address potential problems

Information needs have changed as well, and big data tools are now available to help. However, many plant teams and asset managers are reporting challenges to making the shift to proactive, predictive maintenance programs at their facilities. On July 14, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. ET, Plant Services will host a webcast on big data featuring a live question-and-answer format with two industry experts. Below are some takeaways from the upcoming presentation.

Dan Miklovic, principal analyst at LNS Research, will be explaining:

  • What is big data in the context of APM
  • What are the roadblocks organizations face in collecting and analyzing big data
  • How big data and analytics can help you improve your APM results
  • How you get started in leveraging big data

Burt Hurlock, CEO of Azima DLI, will be presenting on how performance analytics can drive success of your PdM program. His presentation will include:

  • Defining organizational goals and developing relevant benchmarks
  • Designing, communicating and tracking meaningful measurement systems
  • Integrating analytics across enterprise and over time to focus resources
  • Elevating visibility of program performance to enterprise leaders and stakeholders
  • Achieving operational excellence through multi-faceted tracking and measurement

To learn more about big data, sign up for our webcast.